Missions Hub Confession
In the words of the university students with which we work….
Welcome to the Missions Hub! We are a collection of student ministries, missions organizations, and churches who seek to further the kingdom together. We accept that the cost of following Jesus is the complete surrender of our lives to Christ, and affirm His Word, the Bible, as authoritative over our lives in every way. We hold the greater picture of missions in one hand as we carry fellowship with believers in the other.
We may be a tiny office in downtown Toronto, but we are a global network with an eternal goal. We are a place where people can come explore and be equipped, encouraged and inspired by their fellow sisters and brothers as we journey together. Through discipleship, small groups, prayer and outreach, we hope to raise up people to go to the whole world and impress upon them the urgency of global missions. Along the way, we support and partner with those already on the field through prayer, raising awareness, and partnership. We are a space where people from different ministries work together. We make disciples. We throw big parties! We eat together and drink good coffee, too. We make wifi free and accessible to all who are in our space.
We create safe spaces for people to explore God’s direction for their lives. We are persistent in friendship. We send and receive the facebook messages and emails necessary to strengthen relationships. We pursue community. We build bridges between groups and make connections as we do friends. We seek understanding with one another. We pray together, plan together, and believe God to do a new thing. We do the workshops, classes, meetings, trainings and speaking engagements to equip the saints to bridge communication gaps of culture and generations. We value wisdom that comes from God and that which comes from lived experience; we choose to be lifelong learners. We are strategic with how we steward the gifts and resources which God has entrusted to us. We train students so that they are equipped to also be missionaries. We recognize that missions is to happen right where we are, as well as in the places that we aren’t, and we acknowledge the relative absence and need for missions in other parts of the world. We renounce any notion that we are saviors, but look to the One who is the only Savior.
We listen first, making space for everyone to be heard, especially those who have been marginalized. We empower the least heard voices to speak for themselves. We do not justify that which we know to be wrong; we repent, and actively depend on the Spirit to be made right. We are a people of grace, assuming the best about others’ intentions and working together to find solutions. We don’t guess, we ask. We give feedback to one another. We divest all our power, real or assumed, at the foot of the cross. Everyone comes to serve, and no one is catered to. We are unassuming. We celebrate the strengths of our diversity and the power of Christ through our unity and We choose to learn each other's' cultures and traditions. We accept others for who God created them to be and seek God together for constant renewal and sanctification, bearing with one another. We never make jokes about people with whom we don’t identify. We speak the truth in love. We are so focused on our unity in Christ that we choose not to engage in debate on issues secondary to the Gospel in this space. We choose to love the mysteries of the faith. We trust God and reach beyond our comfort zones until that old idol is shattered.
We are a hopeful people who tell stories of God’s faithfulness throughout generations. We don’t operate out of fear or scarcity. We affirm the identity and gifts that God gives to each of us. We pursue integrity in all that we do. We are honest with each other. We are always willing to change in light of the cross. When we pray for and with one another, we do so with the hope of the risen Christ. We build each other up in love. We follow God’s call and we give our best to Him.
We are seeking to further God’s kingdom throughout the whole world, not only because our Lord commands it through the Great Commission, but also because of our desire and conviction to make Jesus’ name known and bring Him glory. We choose to care about Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, Atheists and everyone else who does not typically find their place in the Church. We desire to know people groups which are usually unnoticed. We follow Jesus, take Him at His Word, and love Him with our obedience. We live out God’s call to be missional through word and deed, in dependence on our Father.
We are part of the Body of Christ. We are adopted into the family of God. We are sojourners, called by the Spirit. We accept that the Spirit will call us to stay in some seasons and go in other seasons; that none of us knows all that He plans for us but Him. We believe the Holy Spirit is on the move in the whole world, not just our small corner of it. We stand united, in solidarity with the Church around the world, especially our persecuted brothers and sisters. We champion student engagement in missions now and in the future. We are collaborators. We love our neighbours, near and far, and remember that Christ chose to love us in the flesh. We are people who care for the whole world.
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