The Missions Hub exists because of the generous collaboration of the partners mentioned below, for which we are very thankful!

  • Making a difference in time for eternity by using multiple strategies to plant healthy churches primarily among the least reached.

    Where We Work:

    • Europe, Asia, Africa and the Americas

    • Any people group that has less than 2% evangelical Christians.

    • Over 500 Avant missionaries serve in over 50 countries.

    • Avant also has camp ministry (Alaska and Spain), Media Ministry (Spain), Seminary Training (Spain, Guatemala, Central Asia), Business as Mission (for creative access countries)

    Top Roles Needed:

    1. Church Planting - Avant Ministries’ vision is to see lives transformed by the gospel and to establish churches among the unreached peoples of our world.  Avant Church Planting Principles are deeply rooted in the scriptures and applied within this faith context: The power of the Gospel, Divine Serendipity, God’s Ability and the Primacy of Prayer. We are looking for men and women who are willing to cross cultures, learn languages and build relationships with the people God brings them. We place individuals and couples on teams to employ innovative, creative means of evangelization, discipleship and national leadership training. We serve in 50 countries around the world with many missionaries wanting team mates to join them!

    2. Missional Business - B4T (Business for Transformation) - Avant believes all people should have the opportunity to hear the gospel. B4T intentionally integrates evangelism and discipleship into the day-to-day operation of legitimate, sustainable businesses. It is often associated with creative access settings, though that is not its exclusive domain. B4T presents opportunities in any location to catalyze the transmission of the gospel and lead to the establishment of local churches. Our B4T Global team catalyzes, coordinates, and aids new initiatives from their base in Asia. This growing team is engaged in Kingdom business themselves and offers a wide range of resources to those beginning their own ventures. Come and join us! Opportunities exist in the Middle East, Central Asia, India, and East Asia.

    3. Specialized Ministry - Media, Sports, Camp, Education - Opportunities exist for graphic artists, writers, producers, and audio specialists to support the production of innovative Spanish and Arabic media, Baseball and soccer athletes needed! Sports ministry in Italy and Argentina are widely received and are great open doors for relational discipleship. Camp ministry is in Alaska and Spain: Working with children to share the gospel in creative, fun, and engaging ways. Service ministry such as house keeping, cooking, wrangling, maintenance, bookkeeping is always needed. Many opportunities exist for teachers at Missionary Kid Schools in Germany, Mexico, Guatemala, Africa, Ecuador.  Come be an RA or dorm parent. Also, seminary professors are needed in Texas, Guatemala and Spain!

    Visit to learn more!

  • Following Jesus, Loving the City, Serving the World

    For more information, including weekly services, visit

  • Sharing the good news of Jesus Christ in all its fullness with East Asia’s peoples to the glory of God.


    • 2-week prayer journeys and missions exploration trips

    • Student co-op programs and internships

    • Traditional church planting ministries

    • Creation care ministry

    • Marketplace ministry: Business, education, healthcare, social services, engineering, IT, web development, graphic design, media, and more.

    • Diaspora ministry o Reaching East Asia’s peoples within Canada

    • Support ministry o Mobilization, finance, administration, member care, placement coordination, IT

    Visit for more opportunities!

  • Growing the body of Christ for God’s global mission.

    A movement of gospel-centered and globally engaged Christians.

    For more information, including weekly services, visit

  • Glorifying God by establishing reproducing churches focusing on the unreached peoples of the world.

    God centred. People focused. Innovative teams multiplying disciples and communities of believers, bringing the Gospel within reach of lost people everywhere we go.

    Opportunities: How is God leading you towards missions? Get acquainted with us and let's talk about your gifts and calling.

    Internship opportunities: seven weeks, May through July, including an orientation and post-trip debrief.

    Mid-term opportunities: 3 months to two years

    Long-term opportunities: 2+ years, including a one-week intensive process of discernment

    To talk with a World Team missions coach, visit this link.

  • Lives transformed, churches equipped, and communities strengthened through engagement with the Bible in a language of best understanding.

    Where We Work:

    • Mainland and South East Asia

    • Africa – French and English speaking

    • Eurasia – Muslim Contexts

    • Pacific – Indonesia and Papua New Guinea

    • North and South America

    Top 5 Roles Needed:

    1. Linguists and Translators (We have a school for further training as needed)

    2. Finance and Administration

    3. Communications and Social Media (this is a field need)

    4. Computer Software Design

    5. Project Management

    Visit for more information!