Please have a look a the Missions Hub pilot Interim report. This report was written for congregants of Knox Presbyterian Church, which initiated the Missions Hub pilot in hopes of creatively supporting Missionaries and Missions workers. While focused on reporting to Knox Church congregation, the Interim report has some important lessons and findings for all those who are interested.Mission Hub Interim Report (Final Sept 2015)
'Discerning Your Call' on Feb. 20th
Representatives from 9 missions agencies gathered together at the Missions Hub to work on an exciting Urbana15 / P2C+ follow-up event called 'Discerning Your Call' on Feb. 20th. The event is being designed to help Christians who have made a commitment to Missions, discern the next steps that God is calling them to. 'Discerning Your Call' is a great example of the collaboration that is happening at the Missions Hub as workers and agencies come together to serve. We look forward to seeing what God will do through this exciting event.
Engage! on August 26th
Thank God! We had a wonderful day together yesterday at the Engage! workshop. 35+ workers from 18 Missions organizations joined us for a day long training on how to communicate Missions in a noisy world. Thank you so much for your prayers and participation in this event! We look forward to hosting more training events in the future.
A free day of communications training for people working in Missions@ the Missions Hub, Knox Church, 630 Spadina Ave, TorontoWed. August 26th, 10am-3:30pm (Coffee & Muffins at 9:30am)Canadian believers live in a noisy world. We are inundated with advertising and an almost constant flow of electronic communication. Life seems to get steadily busier and the demands on our time exhaust our waking hours. The GTA is arguably the ‘busiest’ region in the country, and the pace of life here can seem almost frantic.As champions of global Missions in the GTA, we need to ask ourselves, ‘How do we communicate our message to people living in this context?’ To help address this question, the Missions Hub will be hosting Engage!, a day long training event for Missions workers on Wed. August 26th from 10am-3:30pm. Engage! will include workshops on Social Media and Telling the Story.THIS IS A FREE EVENT TO HELP EQUIP & SUPPORT PEOPLE WORKING IN MISSIONS IN THE GTA.Lunch will be provided. Please email Tom Affleck to register:
Kairos course fun!
We are so grateful to have had 19 people join us at Knox for the Kairos course. The Missions Hub hosted Kairos as part of our ongoing efforts to try and support Missions and Missions workers in the GTA. Kairos is a condensed version of the Perspectives Course, and includes 9 seminars to explore God's Missional plan for His people, from the book of Genesis through to Revelation. Thank God that we had such a great response to this course!
------------------------------------- August 17-21st, @ the Missions Hub, Open to everyone! Please join us for an important 5-day course to explore what the Bible teaches us about Missions. This course is ideal for people of all ages who are interested in going deeper in their Christian faith, and potentially exploring God’s calling on their lives. Kairos is a condensed version of the Perspectives course. The cost of this course is $150. For more information please contact Katie Fuller: Katherine.Fuller@teamcanada.org
Wycliffe Bible Translators Joins Missions Hub
We are so grateful that Wycliffe Bible Translators is becoming a member of the Missions Hub. A number of current and past Knox Church missionaries have served with Wycliffe and we are thrilled to have this great agency involved. Shown in the Photo: Paul Hooper, Regional Director of Church Partnerships, Wycliffe (Left); Tom Affleck, Missions Hub (Right)
Communications Gathering, May 22nd
The Missions Hub was thrilled to host a Communications Gathering that included Communication staff from a number of Churches and Missions agencies.Communications staff from the following organizations took part; Pioneers, Church on the Queensway, Interserve, LAM, SIM Canada, OMF and Knox Church.
Missions Mobilizer Day of Prayer, April 8th
The Missions Hub was thrilled to host a Missions Mobilizer Prayer Gathering on April 8th. It was an encouragement for all in attendance. Mobilizers from the following agencies / organizations attended: Avant, SEND, Northern Canada Evangelical Mission, AIM, OMF, World Team, Crossworld, TEAM, Greater Europe Mission, Camino Global, Pioneers, Heritage College
Missions Leaders Gathering
The Missions Hub was so grateful to host the Ontario Missions Leaders Gathering on March 24th. The full day event provided an opportunity for missions leaders to pray together, learn from one another and explore opportunities to collaborate.Pictured above;John Denbok, SIM Canada, Executive Director; Rick Hiemstra, Evangelical Fellowship of Canada, Director of Research and Media Relations; Jon Fuller, OMF Canada, National Director; Tom Affleck, Knox Presbyterian Church, Entrepreneurial Leader; Howard Moore, Greater Europe Mission, Canada Leader; Harvey Thiessen, Operation Mobilization Canada, Executive Director; Ray Chow, TEAM, Global Operations and New Ventures; Keith Elliott, Camino Global, National Director; Caroline Brown, WEC Canada, Canadian Director; Mick Brown, WEC Canada, Canadian Director; Linda Haist, MECO; Tom Whatley, New Tribes Mission Canada, Executive Director; Carlucci Dos Santos, Latin America Mission Canada, Executive Director; Bob Morris, Interserve, Director (pictured separately)
Urbana15 Collaboration
Representatives of Intervarsity, TEAM, Interserve, SEND International and the Missions Hub meet to discuss opportunities to collaborate around Urbana15. The main conclusion coming out of the meeting is that a number of missions agencies are keen to support Intervarsity and Urbana15 with follow-up support for participants.
Missions Hub Launch Celebration
Knox Church hosted the opening celebration for the Missions Hub pilot on Sunday, February 22nd. The evening was highlighted by a truly inspiring panel discussion involving 6 missions leaders representing the following groups; TEAM, Latin American Mission, Operation Mobilization, Middle Eastern Christian Outreach and Avant Ministries. It is beautiful to see how God touched peoples hearts through this event. Thank you to everyone who attended.
Missions Hub Opens!
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Today we were thrilled to open the doors to the Missions Hub pilot project. Hub participants and Knox staff joined together at 10am to kick off this exciting collaborative workspace experiment.