Tell us a bit about yourself
My name is Tiffany. I was born and raised in Hong Kong, and I came to Toronto in 2017 to study Kinesiology at UofT. I came to Christ at the end of 2017. Currently, I am doing a Master of Physical Therapy at UofT, but I am also deeply passionate about evangelism, apologetics, and biblical studies. I love Biomechanics and the Bible. They both start with a ‘B’ (:P); one deals with the body while the other speaks to the soul. During the summer, I have been doing a bit of studying/research in both, and a lot of meeting up with people… keep reading to find out more.
What did it look like for you to live missionally this summer? How do you practically practice this?
I co-led a weekly discussion group called Christianity Explored (CE) and I am usually mission-minded in other social engagements. We ran CE for 7 weeks. We invited our non-believer friends to come and have dinner with us and learn about Christianity. Half the group was a few summer exchange students, one of whom I met while I was coaching a group fitness class on campus. These CE nights always turned into engaging discussions into the late night, and the group became good friends with each other. No one professed to be a Christian yet, but everyone gained a better understanding of the gospel and a more open mind towards the Christian faith. We trust that God is sovereign over the seed sown and we ask that you pray for these participants.
I also spent time with these international students outside of the CE setting, cultivating a genuine friendship exchange with them. These international students are new to Canada and are only here for a short time. Some of them come from countries where Christianity is the minority. But a lot of them are open to trying and learning new things. It was during one of the excursions I had with them when the topic of church came up, and 4 came to church with me the following Sunday. One of them brought home a Bible and one of them came to church with me a few more times as well.
How have you seen God at work this summer in your life / community / this world?
God is amazing and He does wondrous work! I have been able to see changes in peoples’ attitude towards the Christian faith. One of the CE participants went from disregarding Christianity to engaging in the sessions, asking thoughtful questions, and being open to faith. Another one went from being intellectually curious about Christianity to asking for prayers to find her own faith. God has used us to soften people’s hearts and slowly turn them towards Him. In this summer, I also had the opportunity to witness a close friend I journeyed with from undergrad since 2018 came to Christ! My walk with the Lord has been encouraged by actively praying for each session and each person.