Tell us a bit about yourself
Hello everyone, glad to be back again this summer to share about God’s work in my life! I grew up in Jakarta, Indonesia and moved to Toronto in 2019 for my undergrad. I graduated this year. In last summer's Stories to Tell, I shared that I was torn between working in ministry and working as an HR professional in the secular environment. I mentioned that at the end of that summer, I felt called toward one of them. Glad to share that today, a year later, I’m currently working for a Christian ministry called Power to Change, as a campus intern @ the University of Toronto! I’m thankful that God’s calling for me to proclaim the Gospel in the university space has been made so clear to me.
Describe a moment from this summer, big or small, where you felt God affirm you in your journey pursuing His mission
From May to August this summer, I’ve been meeting up numerous people for Ministry Partnership Development (MPD, also referred to as support raising). Not only do I get to catch up with friends near and far, I delight in the joy of talking about God’s calling in my life and invite them to partner prayerfully and financially with me in my ministry with P2C!
Honestly, in every meeting, I felt God affirmed the calling He had led me to in doing campus ministry. Each time I shared my vision to reach university students on campus with the Gospel, and seeing people buy into that vision, I felt like God continues to go before me in this leap of faith to trust He would provide financially for this internship through other people.
I’ve heard that “The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.” This became especially true for me each time I shared about how God has placed a deep burden in my heart (the Gospel needs to be proclaimed louder on campuses) and how I’ve found deep gladness being the vessel that God uses to meet that spiritual hunger in students.
Additionally, God affirmed me in this journey through answering specific prayer requests. He provided when I prayed for 1) God to provide people who can give larger donations, 2) Logistical challenges in re-routing overseas donations to be solved, and 3) God to bring people outside of my own social circle to my ministry, and many more. In each of these prayer requests, I was thankful that He answered within a few days! It’s really so mind-blowing when you trust God to answer big prayer requests and then He does. All you can do is boast in Christ and humbly accept that you could not have done it with your own might. Praise God, my ministry was fully funded before the deadline!