Tell us a bit about yourself
My name is Cathy, and I've just started teachers' college at York. I was born in China but I've been in Toronto for more than half of my life. I love learning about different cultures & I know 4 other languages aside from English. Although I was only baptized 2 years ago, missions has always been something that God has put on my heart.
What was a favorite moment or memory of your summer?
My favourite moments from this summer are going on my first physical missions trip, reuniting with old friends & meeting new friends!
Were there any new (good or hard) experiences for you from this summer? Did these help or hinder the ways you engaged in missions?
There were definitely both, but one memory that stands out to me was when I had to meet a lady during my internship. This summer as a church intern I was to write a plan on relaunching international students ministry, and I felt the pressure to do it well. Because of this spirit of performance, I did not respond well to the stress, so with unclear meeting expectations I went to the appointment. With expectations that weren't so clear I ended up sounding like she has to do something with us now. She pointed this out to me, and I was very convicted that day. Thinking back, God had to use this experience for me to remember to depend on Him for all things, so I believe it was a valuable lesson.
How have you seen God at work this summer in your life / community / this world?
I can see & feel that God has been so active this summer. In my life, He has prepared my next assignment for me to intern with Power to Change (it was a whole discerning process, but that's a story for another time). In the community, I met so many old & new Christian friends my age who're on fire for Jesus! Truly a blessing.
As summer comes to an end, what are you hopeful for moving forward?
Going into the new school year, my hope is to not only do well in school but also be involved in the faith community. I hope to see a united and thriving Christian community at York too, (when I had a meeting with ministries at York to my pleasant surprise many felt the same). I'm also learning about sabbath these days, so I hope to find a more regular rhythm to rest in God. Last but not least, look forward to support raising and starting my internship!